Sail With Pride
Sail With Pride
The world isn’t simply binary, it’s complex with more facets than the Hope Diamond. One of those many facets is sexuality. As I’m sure you’ve gleamed by now, we are gay. We are engaged to be married, and will hopefully tie the knot in the near future, starting a new adventure together. Though, this only became possible in the last few years. This is the perfect example as why LGBTQ Pride month is so important.
In June 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in New York, a police raid began. It was an event that had become a common occurrence at places like Stonewall. It was a way to break up the “debauchery” of what was occurring in these four walls, and for the police to prove they had the power and willingness to exercise that power over the LGBTQ community. It was oppression at it’s finest. Except, on one fateful night, the people in attendance, in one voice, said enough. Trans women of color decided they were going to fight back, and refuse to go quietly. They were going to stand up for their right to exist. Thus the Stonewall Riot began, and became the launching platform for modern day LGBTQ rights movement. It is also the reason we celebrate Pride during the month of June. To remember those brave men and women who stood up for our rights, and also to continue showing that we will fight until our entire community is seen as equals.
In honor of Pride month, Sailing Ixion has decided to launch our first bit of merchandise. It seemed like the best time to do so, because it’s Pride themed. Being gay, and being apart of this community, is a huge part of who we are. We only even know each other because of that fact. We would have never come together if it wasn’t for our attraction to one another. So, with our Sail With Pride line we wanted to share that pride with the world, and with you. So that everyone can stand up with us, and show their pride from the top of their mast! To embrace who we are, and show our love for our community, and the pride we have. On this journey, we will Sail With Pride, and now you can join us.
Now, why Sailing with Pride is important to us, and a topic many don’t think about. As we set sail, there are a few things we are more than aware of. The prime one being, a huge portion of the world we can’t visit. Many countries still have laws that make being homosexual illegal. To partake in such an act like homosexual sex can hold a punishment of imprisonment or even death. Many people sailing the world don’t think about this fact because they are heterosexual, and that privilege grants them the ability to not fear their existence around the world. We aren’t so lucky. So while we may be attempting to circumnavigate the globe, there are many places we will never see. Sailing with pride is also a fight for equality globally. That is why sixty percent of the profits will go to the Human Rights Campaign, to help continue that fight at home, and around the world. So that future generations of LGBTQ sailors can touch land on every continent, and every country, without fear of what may happen.
We will continue to hold our heads up high, and shout our love for one another from the mountaintops, no matter what certain places in the world may think. That is why we celebrate pride, and sail with pride. So stand with us during this Pride month, and share that love, and share the message that love is love.
Visit Our Swag page to purchase merchandise!
Nick and Jake